Thy Will be Done

It is early in the morning and our Lord, who never sleeps, has invited me to stay awake with Him and pray. In contemplation of “Thy will be done”, He has gently asked me to release the lambs that weigh heavily on my heart; they are (after all) His sheep, not mine.

And yet, so much suffering, frailty, weakness, and loss of life. Their despair is too great for me, so I must surrender them to my Christ; who reminds me that I’ve not sacrificed for them as to shed my blood.

He is their Shepherd. He died in their stead so that they might have life–and, life more abundantly!

It hurts to let go and let God. But, “Thy will be done.” Now, I lay me down to sleep, and I pray God bless you, my precious sheep … Love, unworthy presbyter,


~ by revdrmichael on January 5, 2019.

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